We have suspected for the past couple of months that she was indeed seeing some color but now we know for certain that she is. Even better her vision with her glasses on has improved since just a few weeks ago and is now rated at 20/1200. It is unknown how much difference the glasses are making for her but Dr. Bothers feels they might be “sharpening” the images for her.
Rylea is now 5 months post treatment and is still going strong with her continual improvements in vision. She has not done any Hyperbarics at this point.

The photos shown here were all taken this past November while we were in Florida at the Cord Blood Medical Awareness Rally which was organized by Cameron Peterson's Grandmother Carol.
We had families from not only Florida but from all over the United States. Some of the parents were able to talk about what the treatments derived from Umbilical Cord Blood meant to them and their children.

............This young man took center stage after the "adults" were done and belted out a couple of amazing tunes for our visitors. He and his family will be heading for China this summer. They said they had their doubts until that day in the park when they saw for themselves that not only was I a real person but so were the other children that had already been treated and the results they had seen were measurable and concrete.

Along with me during my three days in Florida was a film crew brought in by Wealth TV. The crew spent several hours each day recording my one on one sessions with families and conducting their own interviews.

During those 3 days meeting and talking with parents one on one. I did personal evaluations of their children and reviewed the medical documents brought to me by the parents. While I was not able to tell all the parents that their children could be treated I think every one of them found valuable information and some answers.

................I have also just received my copy of the Wealth TV Special on Optic Nerve Hypoplasia which aired nation wide this past December 19th.
I do have permission from the network producer to make copies of it for parents and send those copies out but I am not allowed to post it on the Internet. This is a 30 minute special covering the treatment of ONH with stem cells and features many of the children who attended the Medical Awareness Rally in Florida. Rylea and Cameron as well as another child Tre who will be heading to China for treatment and their cases were those featured in the piece.
For those inside the USA and Canada who would like to have a copy of this DVD please let me know and I will be happy to mail one out to you free of charge. Just send me via my personal email address your full name and mailing address.

My emails are:
kirshner@beikebiotech.com kirshner@stemcellschina.com
1 comment:
Thanks for have a web page where we can get information and connections for information. I certainly appreciate the passion for helping those who are searching for answers.
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