First Coast News
ST. AUGUSTINE, FL -- Emily, Devin, Emily and Allison from St. Augustine hadn't met six year old Rylee Lovett until Wednesday.
But they had already decided to give her a very valuable gift.
It is the hottest concert ticket in the country, Hannah Montana, and the girls were able to snag four to the Jacksonville show.
They were thrilled to go, but then they saw Rylee's story.
"We decided to give tickets to the little girl Rylee so she could auction them off and make lots of money for her trip to China," says Devin Schooley.
"I understand what a big deal it is, I remember being a little girl and loving something and it's so sweet of these kids, such a nice thing," says Rylee's mom, Shayla Lovett.
Rylee has a rare eye condition and is nearly blind.
There was no hope of improvement until Rylee's parents heard of an operation being done in China that has had good results.
But the operation costs $60,000.
So the Lovett's will raffle off the Hannah Montana tickets.
Emily, Devin, Emily and Allison won't get to go see Hannah but they say it's worth it for their new friend Rylee.
"We thought Hannah Montana in two years wouldn't be that much to us, but this little girl can see and that's a lifetime," says Devin.
So far the Lovetts raised $25,000.
Click here to link to the TV web site with her Video clip. http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/local/news-article.aspx?storyid=99140
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