Comment from stem cell girl:
Jackson was in China in Novemebr/December. He was 10 months old at the time of his treatment and thus is the youngest ONH case treated thus far. Below is an update from his mother about his progress thus far.
Sorry it has taken me so long to post an update on Jackson. He isdoing GREAT!! Aside from being sick for the last 3 weeks (common coldetc..) his vision seems to be getting better and better. We have ababy toy flashlight that is completely silent but has red and greenflashing lights in it. We can now hold that about 6 inches away fromhis face and he will reach for it EVERY time. Before treatment inChina, he wouldn't ever do anything of the sort. His Dr. even agreesthat his light perception is more "normal" now where before he saidJack's pupils were very slow to respond to changes in lighting. He isalso motivated to crawl now. Just yesterday, I turned away for 2seconds and he had moved about 4ft. across the floor taking about 5-10crawling steps. I am amazed. He also holds his head up a lot morenow and appears to be looking around for something to see. Before, hewould mostly sit with his head down. Well, again...sorry for thedelay with posting an update, like I said, he's been sick and it tookus a good month to get him back on US time after we returned fromHangzhou. But, it was worth every minute, every penny and everyonesprayers and kind gestures were and still are greatly appreciated. Wewill keep everyone posted on any further improvements. God bless.Rachael (Mother of Jackson)
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